Secure Folder is a tiny and simple program made for users who want to secure certain folders with a password or even encrypt them using 256-bit AES (Rijndael) algorithm for encryption of files. 
The software can offer different kinds of protection like locking,hiding and encrypting, and combinations of these 3.It also clears traces of recently accessed documents, supports drag&drop of files and has an update checker.
After I installed it I said:Hey, but what if I lock a folder and then delete the program or uninstall it?Would I be able to access those folders? Well, the answer is no, you can't do that.If you could then it would not be safe any more would it?And when you secured a folder that folder can't be deleted, moved, renamed or copied anywhere else.
Also, although it seems a perfect little program, it still has it's limitations like Lock" option is not supported on Fat, Fat32 & exFat volumes or the program can only encrypt files smaller than 100 MB.
Still, it's a good software, does it's job well and since it's free you can enjoy it without any hesitations.You can get the latest version here.                                                         

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